Last night there was a sky that can really only be done justice by the great painters of the 15-16 century. And in fact it was absolutely that type of sky that is painted in cupolas in churches, light blue in the distance with wisps of golden clouds tracing lines across the horizon. But then…


I think one of my favorite things about spring has to be the smells. The world has woken up after winter and people are finally making their way out of their houses, leaving windows open for pleasant breezes to swing through, carrying out different smells of food and soap and flowers and laundry detergent to…

Carnevale a Viareggio!

And the Lucas Caravan graced Tuscany with its presence! …and there I got to see a very different type of Carnevale than the traditional one, lets say, in Venice! We just so happened to be in Florence on Fat Tuesday…and my dear friend from birth Emily just so happened to be going to the coast for…

Carnevale a Venezia!

I am a very lucky girl. This was my third Carnevale in Venice that I have been to in my life. But this time…it was different. Because I have  fancy lady, fancy camerawoman camera. The masks pay attention when they see a DSLR…

The cold

Freddo. Here at the beginning of February, I thought, YES! I have made it through my first cold season without getting anything! Even though I have been surrounded by small two year olds who do not know how to cover their mouths when they cough and spread all the communal germs picked up from preschool…I…

Bicycle Elves!

A few magical things happened over winter break. And a few of them pertain to my lovely bicycle, which I have named Atticus. It seemed fitting for a strapping young (old) bike with a dignified light…which before I left for break didn’t work…or at least I didn’t know how to turn it on. Considering the…

“Family means too much, friends are too valuable, and life is too short, to put off sharing with people, how much they really mean to you and pursuing whatever it is that makes you happy” -Chuck Wiltraut

Padova at night!

“What a nice night for an evening” -Steven Wright  So, I think that I am so in love with Italy, that it has turned me into a new parent, fawning over my new baby, so completely sure that this is the first, the smartest, and the best drool producing baby in the world.