Carnevale a Venezia!

I am a very lucky girl.

This was my third Carnevale in Venice that I have been to in my life.

But this time…it was different. Because I have  fancy lady, fancy camerawoman camera. The masks pay attention when they see a DSLR…

And I didn’t realize how they can still be so beautiful underneath the mask.

So many different types of costumes.

Normally, I get harumph-y when I see people at Carneval who aren’t completely covered…because I mean come on…it’s the one time of year when you can just cover every inch of you in beautiful, intricate costume, and I think that is really great!

But, I thought these lovely ladies were too fantastic to scoff at the parts of their elegant faces showing.

…and sometimes you get reminded that not everyone has the luxury of being someone else for the day.

I don’t know.

But still…the guy on the right is my favorite.

One thought on “Carnevale a Venezia!

  1. Love your photos! Especially taken by the one of the pigeon with feathered costume in the background. And that’s your dad, right? So glad to see visual proof that they were actually in Italia!

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